Monday, July 31, 2006


Robert Mugabes Mansion

Ever wonder what kind of house Robert Mugabe lives in while the people of Zimbabwe starve and try to survive 1200% inflation? Then I present to you the humble residence of Bob The Dictator:

Thats what happens when you have a one party state and a dictator in charge. It was never about helping the people, it was always about keeping power through any means possible.

Oh dear, doesn't that sound like the "New" SA?


Ah, I can read the GPS coordinates. Can't we send him a cruise missile or something?
Eish! Bra Robert ees goween to be veri cros. Mebe we mus tell him 'bout thees Google Erf. We mus let him know we ken see him parking a coil in tha garden! Hau!
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